


Recommendations on the improvement of municipal culture institutions’ services were prepared

2013 01 25

BGI Consulting has presented the results of two research studies on improvement of municipal culture institutions’ services to the authorities of Ministry of Culture and municipal culture administrators.

The Research on cultural activities and services of municipal culture institutions involved in-depth analysis of culture services legal regulation and assessment of service quality of municipal culture institutions. Particularly, the attention was paid to municipal culture centres, public libraries and municipal museums. The study discusses and draws recommendations on the network of culture institutions, financing schemes and performance indicators. The recommendations focus on concentration of services, performance orientation, funding alternatives and other service provision entities.

Parallelly implemented research study Criteria for performance evaluation of public culture institutions, aimed to propose a set of criteria for performance evaluation to be applied on the main types of municipal culture institutions such as culture centres, public libraries and museums. During the study quality evaluation systems and evaluation criteria applied for the public culture institutions operating both in Lithuania and other countries were analyzed.

BGI Consulting implemented the research studies in joined activity with Public Institution KULTUR and cooperation with representatives from Šilutė and Zarasai districts municipalities.

The reports are available on the website of Ministry of Culture.

Contractor – Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania.