
Communications and Information Society

Communications and Information Society

State planning and intervention in the field of transport is widespread – from roads, rails, water and air transport  to public transport planning, safe traffic, and regulation of communications. Information society policy is not restricted to broadband Internet infrastructure initiatives as it also includes electronic public services for citizens and businesses and the creation of common internet access assumptions that enable people to carry out important economic, social and cultural activities. Below are some examples of BGI team in this area.


Analysis of Demand for Public Transport and Compatibility Between the Routes of Long-distance Buses and Inter-City Trains
The assessment was carried out at the request of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania.
The main objective of the study was  to assess the need for passenger traffic in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania and its compliance with the routes established for public transport schedules and to develop measures that would allow the creation of a cost-effective and sustainable public transport system. The final result of the study was  the proposed plan to develop a cohesive, not lossy, competitive and interoperable public  transport system.
Various research methods, including analysis of documents and secondary sources, analysis of statistics, graphical analysis of maps and multicriteria analysis, questionnaire survey of carriers, interviews with responsible institutions and expert assessment were used in the course of the study. The study assessed the current passenger movement, the current legal regulation of timetable, the loss of public  transport, duplication, etc. On the basis of the results of the research, the concept of the creation of a cost-effective public transport system was proposed.
Research on the Use of E-services 2015
The study was carried out at the request of the Information Society Development Committee under the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania.
A direct survey of the inhabitants determined the percentage of people using electronic services in recent years, assess their quality and other indicators related to the use of electronic services.
Study to Determine the Size of a Vehicle Tax
The study was carried out at the request of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania.
The study analysed several tax changes and evaluated the environmental impacts of all of them.  Several possible options for charging a vehicle were introduced in order to avoid double taxation, minimize the impact on competitiveness and lower the administrative and tax burden on business.
Evaluation of Planning and Efficiency of Using EU Structural Funds to Implement the Projects in the Roads Sector
The study was carried out at the request of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania.
In assessing the relevance of the objectives, tasks and measures of the road sector, the changed economic situation was taken into account. The HERMIN macroeconomic model was used to assess the impact of investment using a counterfactual situation.
Also, the criteria for adequacy, efficiency and investment results was assessed and the experience of foreign countries financing the road sector projects was analysed.
Evaluation of the of E-services and the Main Public and Administrative Services
The evaluation was carried out at the request of the Information Society Development Committee under the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania.
A representative survey of the inhabitants of Lithuania revealed the part of residents visiting websites of public institutions, identified the most relevant electronic public services for residents and assessed their quality.
The evaluation of the main public and administrative services made it possible to determine the most important indicators for the transfer of these services to the electronic space.

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