The assessment was made and the model was created at the request of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania.
On the basis of the European Commission's widely used HERMIN model, in cooperation with Dr. John Bradley (Ireland), the HERLIT-16 macroeconomic model for Lithuania was prepared. This model is valuable in the analysis of economic processes, assessment of trends, structural changes and of the impact of public policy interventions on the economy.
The created monitoring and evaluation system has made it possible to evaluate the impact of interventions administered by the Ministry of Economy on tourism, energy, business and business environment and R & D.
In 2017, the macroeconomic model HERLIT-16 was substantially updated by adapting it to NACE 2.0. national accounts classification. Also, major automation and operational model simplification solutions were implemented, allowing the Ministry of Economy to apply a tool to assess public policy interventions.