
Improvement of Management and Administration

Improvement of Management and Administration

Improvement of Management and Administration is understood as the analysis and evaluation of public sector institutions, their interactions, human resources, processes, and other business assumptions, in order to increase efficiency, transparency and better implementation of public policies. The scope of the research includes, but is not limited to, the management and implementation systems of Cohesion Policy, central government authorities, municipal institutions, state enterprises and other entities. The BGI team has accumulated over 10 years of experience in evaluating management and administration systems and providing methodological assistance to public sector institutions.


Evaluation of the Implementation of the Partnership Principle in the Use of the EU Structural Funds
The evaluation was carried out at the request of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania.
The aim of the study is to find out how organizations, which are representing different groups, are involved in the partnership processes and how often the public voice is heard in the planning and administration of EU funds in Lithuania and how this involvement of partner organizations and hearing about their needs could be improved.
Using research methods such as analysis of primary and secondary sources, interviews with interested parties on the Internet, semi-structured interviews, foreign experience and good practice examples from Lithuania, and focused group discussions, it was found that partner organizations are included in all stages of the use of EU funds. The evaluation report also highlighted weaknesses in the implementation of the partnership process and put forward a proposal to improve the process.
The final evaluation report, summary of the report and publication of the results can be seen here.
Methodology for Cost-Benefit Analysis and a Model to Assess Socio-Economic Impact of the Investments

The project was implemented by request of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania and the Public Enterprise Central Project Management Agency.

The goal of BGI Consulting, together with the CSIL Milano project, is to create the best foreign practice and research-based methodology and model for assessing the socio-economic impact of Lithuanian public sector investments financed by the EU Structural Funds and the Lithuanian national budget.
A methodology was prepared that focused exclusively on the development of the SNA economic analysis phase. More specifically, the following activities were carried out during the implementation of the project: the list of components (estimates) of socio-economic impacts (benefits and costs) of investment projects was identified in 13 public policy sectors, a list of cost conversion factors and their values were set, instructions and practical examples have been prepared on the practical application of the benefits and costs components (estimates) and conversion factors, a model for calculating and periodically updating the benefits and costs components (estimates) was developed.
Based on the results of this project, BGI Consulting together with the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania and the Central Project Management Agency organized practical SNA training "Practical Training of Cost-Benefit Analysis: From Alternative Choice to Economic Analysis". The training was aimed at representatives of various Lithuanian institutions (ministries, implementing agencies and other institutions) responsible for the strategic planning, selection and evaluation of investment projects and programs financed by the EU structural assistance and national budget funds.
Project outcomes can be found here.
Study on Gold Plating in 2014-2020 ESI Funds
At the request of the European Parliament's Regional Development Committee in 2016 In autumn, an international consortium of researchers (Spatial Foresight, ÖIR and t33), together with national experts from EU Member States, carried out a study on over-regulation using the EUI funds for 2014-2020. BGI Consulting team participated in it as Baltic experts.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the excessive regulation manifested in the context of the EUI funds (European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Cohesion Fund (CF), European Social Fund (ESF), European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and European Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)) and its impact on the administrative burden on implementing institutions and beneficiaries. The study aimed to identify the main causes of over-regulation and its manifestations in the various stages of implementation of the operational programs.
The research results at the beginning of 2017 were presented in a study available here.
Methodology and Training for the Preparation of Investment Projects for the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania
The methodology and training were carried out at the request of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania.
The BGI team developed a culture-specific cost-benefit analysis methodology document that identified and calculated the socio-economic impact components of the cultural sector and their estimates. In order to improve the ability of cultural representatives to develop investment projects and to apply the prepared methodological proposals correctly, the BGI team carried out extensive training in the field of investment projects.
Implementation of the Principles of Partnership and Multi-Level Governance in the Context of 2014-2020 ESI funds
The study was carried out by the Directorate-General for Regional Policy and Urban Policy of the European Commission. In the team led by Sweco International AB, BGI Consulting has carried out the role of national experts in Lithuania.
A survey based on data analysis, online surveys and interviews has evaluated how the Principles of Partnership and Multi-Level Governance are reflected in partnership agreements between EU Member States and gathered the insights of many stakeholders on the implementation of the partnership principle during the analysed programming period.
Report can be found here.
Impact Evaluation of Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union
The evaluation was carried out at the request of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania.
Using the quantitative and qualitative assessment methods such as questionnaires, in-depth interviews, focused group discussions, statistical analysis of data, etc., the impact of the Lithuanian Presidency of the EU on the representation of Lithuania in the EU, the structure of the civil service, the public perception of the presidency and the economy was assessed.
Report can be found here.
Ex-post Evaluation of the Cohesion Fund: Management and Implementation
The evaluation was carried out at the request of the Directorate-General for Regional Policy and Urban Policy of the European Commission in cooperation with EPRC and Fraser asscociates.
During the evaluation, the management and implementation system of the Cohesion Fund (including ISPA) has been analyzed in detail. Evaluated processes of program, project preparation, implementation, monitoring and assessment. The suitability and efficiency of the management and implementation systems of institutions, human resources, and procedures was established.
Territorial Monitoring of the Baltic Sea Region (ESPON)
The study was carried out at the request of the European Territorial Planning Observation Network. BGI Consulting participated as a research partner at Nordregio Research Center.
The goal of the project is to develop an indicators-based territorial monitoring system for the Baltic Sea Region in order to better territorial planning. The system was tested in 5 thematic areas and a manual for the use and maintenance of the system was developed.
Ex-post Evaluation of the Management and Implementation Systems of the 2000-2006 European Union Cohesion Policy, Financed by European Regional Development Fund (EU-25)
The evaluation was carried out at the request of the Directorate-General for Regional Policy and Urban Policy of the European Commission, in cooperation with the EPRC's foreign partners.
During the ex-post evaluation of the Cohesion Policy Management and Implementation System, an overview of the Management and Implementation System of the EU-25 Cohesion Policy was carried out, detailing all phases of the public policy cycle and the institutional set-up, processes and outcomes of each of them. Also, an evaluation of the effectiveness and sustainability of the Cohesion Policy Management and Implementation System of the EU-10 is carried out by identifying the principles of the management and implementation of the Cohesion Policy in the national public administration system.
BGI Consulting participated in the ex-post evaluation of the Cohesion Policy Management and Implementation System of the EU-25 as a national expert for Lithuania.
Research to Determine Fixed Fees for the Instrument “Business Consultant LT”
The evaluation was carried out at the request of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania.
The purpose of the evaluation is to establish a complex fixed fee for business consultations, providing advice on specific business consulting topics and subtitles consulted in the framework of the “Business Consultant LT” measure. BGI Consulting has calculated two fixed costs, which will be applied to business start-up and business development consultations, and produced a study report, after conducting a survey of market participants providing business consultations and analysing data on the implementation of similar historical measures.
Report can be found here.

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